If stands stiff...

Posted by Joe on October 10, 2009 at 16:03

In Reply to: If stands stiff... posted by Glyn Carroway on October 10, 2009 at 08:46:

: During a family discussion yesterday someone said "Pigs might fly" in response to a fairly unlikely situation. My mother, who is 90 years old, came back with "If stands stiff in every man's pocket"! I was amazed because I have never heard her say this before and I wondered where the saying originated.

"if stands stiff in a poor man's pocket"

If some one should say ' I would buy a new dress if I had the money to spare,'
somebody might answer ' If stands stiff in a poor man's pocket,'

A thesaurus of traditional English metaphors - Google Books Result
by Peter Richard Wilkinson - 1993 - Reference - 777 pages
F1b Small change If stands stiff in a poor man's pocket In answer to 'I would buy/do it if . .Oxford

See also: the meaning and origin of 'pigs might fly'.