Wt behind the ears
Posted by Smokey Stover on September 22, 2008 at 08:47
In Reply to: Wt behind the ears posted by Peter Summons on September 22, 2008 at 07:52:
: Would "wet behind the ears" have any reference to a young animal (kitten, puppy) whose mother carries it by the neck to transport it until it is old enough to do it by itself (and the neck and behind the ears would be wet)?
Our Archive offers an explanation. A newborn mammal (such as we) is still wet from the womb. A small depression behind the ears, it is said, is the last place to dry out. Use the link
www.phrases.org.uk bulletin_board 11 messages 840.html
A similar, and slightly more elaborate, explanation is offered at:
www.idiomsite.com/ wetbehindthe.htm
"Still wet behind the years" is, of course, a way of saying "young and inexperienced."