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High on life

Posted by RRC on March 17, 2008 at 04:33:

In Reply to: High on life posted by Kersten on March 16, 2008 at 23:13:

: Does anyone know when "high on life" was first used? Someone pointed out to me a radio commercial from the late 70s-early 80s that used the phrase. The commercial started out "I'm miserable, right? Right, well I got a right to be" and he takes a pill called life and he takes 2 more and he's not so miserable anymore, he was high on life... I don't know anything about what that commercial was for, but I was wondering if the term "high on life" was ever used before that.

Google News Archive has many hits in 1970 and one in 1969 so it's at least that old. Here's a Time magazine article from Feb 1970: time/magazine/article/0,9171,876537,00.html that uses it in a very matter of fact way which might indicate they already didn't think it in need of "quoting" or explanation.

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