Live now, pay later
Posted by Pamela on September 07, 2007
In Reply to: Live now, pay later posted by pamela on September 07, 2007
: : : : "Live now, pay later"
: : : : Is this a saying or a quotation? And, where does it come from?
: : : It is a pun based on a well-known commercial slogan: buy now, pay later. What the author uses it to mean no doubt requires reading the rest of the author's remarks.
: : : SS
: :
: : Live Now - Pay later was a film directed by Jay Lewis. Jack Trevor Story was one of the two scriptwriters; he published a book by the same name in 1963. There is information about the film here:
: :
: : If this is the origin of the phrase, then Smokey seems right - from the little I read, hire purchase seems to be an analogy for the "act now consider the consequences later" lifestyle of the characters. Pamela
: Sorry, I just realised that "hire purchase" might not be a term used in other places (apart from Australia and Britain). Hire purchase is when you take the goods home and then pay them off in installments. It ends up costing much more that if you save up the money and pay cash. My mother cursed a lawn mower that she bought on HP which was stolen but still needed to be paid off after it was gone. pamela
In Australia, it's also referred to as buying something "on the never-never". Pamela