Bumfuck, Egypt
Posted by Li Yar on July 05, 2007
In Reply to: Bumfuck, Egypt posted by Bruce Kahl on July 04, 2007
: : : Does anyone know the origin (or anything else, for that matter) of the phrase "Bumfuck, Egypt?"
: : : I'm not finding it in the archives. It seems modern.
: : A very remote place. Usually considered vulgar. (I love when they say that.) Jocular. The first citation is 1972. U.S. Army. There is a second entry for "Bumblefuck." Also means a remote place. The date for that is 1989. From Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Volume 1, A-G by J.E. Lighter, Random House, New York, 1994. Page 310.
: AKA Bumfuck,Idaho or Bumfuck,Iowa
: Someplace hard to get to and generally undesirable;Some unknown location or
: some small town in a remote place.
: Also, any of the many extremely remote and inhospitable military outposts where U.S service men or women are assigned to serve.
I used to live in Little Piddle.
There are lots of villages with names that make them sound almost fictional.
"Bumfuck" is probbaly a corruption of the village of B'gehr Fah Kin-el or the neighbouring oasis of Kemel Shi'ite.
Li Yar
- Bumfuck, Egypt Bob 05/July/07