Ships called "she"

Posted by Frankie on May 31, 2000

In Reply to: Ships called "she" posted by Frankie on May 31, 2000

: : : origin of why boats/cars/nations are called she.

: : I would guess that ships and such used to be controlled by men, who wanted to name them after the women in their lives. Here's what my good friend and ex-Navy man Indiana Bob found out through research:

: : Why is She Called She?

: : "A boat is called a she because there's always a great deal of bustle around her...because there's usually a gang of men around...because she has waist and stays...because she takes a lot of paint to keep her looking good...because it's not the initial expense that breaks you, it's the upkeep...because she is all decked out...because it takes a good man to handle her right...because she shows her topside, hides her bottom and, when coming into port, always heads for the buoys."
: : .....George Moses in Falmouth, Massachusetts

: : Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz put it more succinctly in an address to the Society of Sponsors of the United States Navy: "A ship is always referred to as 'she' because it costs so much to keep one in paint and powder." .Naval Ceremonies, Customs, and Traditions.

: If my 3rd grade teacher read that, you'd be at the board after school like Bart Simpson.
: Anyone who was ever rough on their ie: car, truck, lawn mower, toaster oven, edge trimmer, transmission, etc...basically anything with a motor that was rpm'd or mishandled would break or burn out---so they need to be treated as a lady. (gentle).
: Referance: Mrs. MacSavany, St. Bernard Roman Catholic Grammar School 1971.

Sorry, "Reference".
She wasn't the english teacher so I get to go home. No board today.