Crazy cat
Posted by ESC on October 30, 2005
In Reply to: Crazy cat posted by Rachel on October 30, 2005
: I need to know the meaning of "crazy cat" the context is "this control is an interesting thing, in such a "crazy cat" arrangement of communication system..."
: I think it means just really crazy. A search on the net led me into all the people that are crazy about cats. I sort of stretched it from there, but if there's a real definition for this somewhere, I'd really like to know.
I am taking a wild guess here. For some reason, this made me think of "crazy quilt." (Two definitions: A method of stitching irregular and random pieces of fabric to form a quilt block. Many have decorative stitching added on the seam lines. A patchwork quilt without a design.)
I googled "crazy cat quilt" and found several examples here: 0015.htm