Herculaneum effort
Posted by ESC on April 24, 2005
In Reply to: Herculaneum effort posted by Lynn Myrick on April 24, 2005
: Herculaneum effort is a phrase that seems to combine Herculean, referring to the strentgh of Hercules, and Herculaneum, the city that perished along with Pompeii. Is this display a show of wit, or a gentle malapropism?
Here's all Merriam-Webster says:
Main Entry: Her·cu·la·ne·um
Pronunciation: "h&r-ky&-'lA-nE-&m
Usage: geographical name
ancient city S Italy in Campania on Tyrrhenian Sea; destroyed A.D. 79 by eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
I vote: show of wit.
- Herculean - d'oh! Lewis 28/April/05