What does it meen????

Posted by Victoria S Dennis on June 13, 2005

In Reply to: What does it meen???? posted by David FG on June 13, 2005

: : 1. lunatic fringe
: : 2. throw your hat in the ring

: : what does it meen????

: The lunatic fringe is that section of society which thinks and acts in extreme or irrational ways.

: To throw one's hat in the ring means to join a contest.


In the 18th century professional prize-fighters would tour the country at local fairs. They would give a demonstration bout and would then challenge any of the locals to a contest. Anyone who reckoned he was hard enough would make his challenge by throwing his hat (a man wasn't properly dressed without a hat then - everybody wore one) into the ring. Once he had done that he couldn't back down without being shamed.

  • Hat in the ring Smokey Stover 13/June/05