Grave Concerns

Posted by ESC on February 25, 2005

In Reply to: Grave Concerns posted by Ish on February 25, 2005

: I read words "Grave Concerns" in a newspaper. What does the meaning of "Grave Concerns"?

: Is there any site you know of good phrases and idioms that I can learn on my own?

: Thanks
: Ish

Sometimes if you look up individual words, you can determine the meaning. It's difficult though with some phrases. In this one "grave" means:
1 b : meriting serious consideration : IMPORTANT Grave problems. c : likely to produce great harm or danger. A grave mistake. d : significantly serious : CONSIDERABLE, GREAT Grave importance.

To learn on your own, you could access the list that Mr. Martin has on this site.

  • Grave Concerns ESC 25/February/05