Cornier 'n cornier

Posted by Lotg (OZ) on September 07, 2004

In Reply to: Pasta la vista baby? posted by Brian from Shawnee on September 07, 2004

: : : : : : Can anyone tell me what "vista'" mean besides"
: : : : : : Abbreviation of Volunteers in Service to America"
: : : : : : ?
: : : : : : thanks

: : : : : It means a view or a sight and is from the language of the Ancient Romans.
: : : : : From "video" which means "to see".

: : : : : Thanks for reminding me of VISTA, an organization that was like a local Peace Corps.
: : : : : I was very active in that org way back a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
: : : : : I ventured into homes in NYC and taught reading and basic math skills to very very deprived children.
: : : : : Terrific organization.

: : : :
: : : : Which reminds me of a question which has always puzzled me. Why is the common abbreviation of Mathematics 'math' in the US and 'maths' in the UK? I try to be tolerant, but I can't help finding the US usage irritating on the ear. Sorry, I don't wish to offend any US readers, and I am certain that they would find many of my turns of phrase immensely annoying!

: : : Well yes I knew that vista meant view or panorama, but it got me wondering about the literal translation of asta la vista (sp?). I googled and I'm afraid I could only get rubbish. I always assumed it loosely meant 'see you later'. Is the 'vista' bit the 'see' or stretching it 'view' you later bit?

: : if you has searched "hasta la vista" you would have found your answer.
: : I recall that 'hasta' is a way of saying 'until later'
: : - so the phrase is "until I see you later" - certainly that is the use.

: : If you add "" - it is the Arnie tag-line.
: : I'm not sure how many films he has used it in, but it goes alongside the English "I'll be back".

: : Bye for now.

: : (Hasta la vista baby - I'll be back!)

: Pasta la Vista could be an Italian restaurant with a nice view.