Rearview mirror advisors
Posted by Lotg (OZ) on August 31, 2004
In Reply to: Rearview mirror advisors posted by Brian from Shawnee on August 31, 2004
: :
: : What do "rearview mirrow advisors" mean?
: Don't know the context but it could either refer to the ubiquitous phrase found on U.S. car mirrors, "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear", or it could be a humorous re-phrasing of "back seat drivers".
Knowing that I'm taking an awful risk by making a guess and asking a question here - given the response last time I did this... Seeing this question was asked at the same time as those other two stockmarket questions, is it a stockmarket term? eg. People who advise after the fact perhaps?
- Rearview mirror advisors Ward 31/August/04