Never Heard This One--"Some people are born on third base..."
Posted by Brian from Shawnee on July 16, 2004
In Reply to: Never Heard This One--"Some people are born on third base..." posted by Word Camel on July 16, 2004
: : : Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
: : It was said of Dubya.
: Whoever said it, I like it. Chalk up another one for baseball.
Information I have found on the internet indicates it may have been said originally about George H. W. Bush (a.k.a. Bush 41), by either Jim Hightower or Ann Richards in 1988 at the Democratic convention. It's been liberally applied to Dubya recently.
I tend to think it was Hightower who said it, since Ms. Richards already has that one about "born with a silver foot in his mouth".
- Meaning?? * Danger Kitty * 16/July/04
- Meaning?? Brian from Shawnee 16/July/04
- Born with a silver foot in his mouth ESC (USA) 18/July/04
- Meaning?? Brian from Shawnee 16/July/04