This 'Peta' thinks they're wankers & what about Catskills
Posted by Lotg on June 15, 2004
In Reply to: Fishkill and Peta posted by Word Camel on June 14, 2004
: : : : : : : : : : I have just returned from a trip where I passed many places with names such as "Fishkill", "Wallkill", "Peekskill" and "Beaverkill" It brought to mind "Shankill" as in the "Shankill" Road in Ireland. Does anyone know if it has a particular meaning?
: : : : : : : : : : Word Camel...
: : : : : : : : : : Who is knackered but didn't want to forget to ask.
: : : : : : : : : I grew up in Tarrytown New York, so you must have passed right by. Hope you had a good visit.
: : : : : : : : : This is old Dutch country, and the suffix kill comes from the Old Dutch word 'kille' meaning riverbed or channel. When you see a xkill in New York it will be on or close to some body of water.
: : : : : : : : Thanks. I was indeed in a traffic jam in Tarry town not three hours ago. :)
: : : : : : : In the Gaelic languages, 'kill' is an anglicisation of 'cill' meaning 'church.' Similarly, 'shan' comes from the Gaelic word 'sean' meaning 'old.' So, Shankill = old church.
: : : : : :
: : : : : : Love placename origins and spotting similarities.
: : : : : : 'kill' like 'kirk's. germanic origin 'kirk' for 'church' along with 'minster' a big church or cathedral. 'cathedral' from 'cedera' (or sedera?)(L'tin for) seat, like Welsh 'caer'. Seat similar to 'See' = bishopric.
: : : : : : similar sound to - cill, kirk, church, cedera, caer, cathedral.
: : : : : Interesting, which confirms the Dutch origin of these places "Beaver church"? I don't think so *grin*
: : : : : Camel
: : : : : Who is just about resisting the urge to make a joke about shelags (which I'm misspelling - sorry)
: : : : She lags the energy.
: : : I've heard of beaver hunting, but worshipping them?
: : : it's a long way from noting "Nice beaver" to erecting a spire to them.
: : A few years ago PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) attempted to prevail upon the town of Fishkill, New York, to change their name because it didn't sound very nice to them. When the Fishkill town fathers explained that the name simply means "fish stream" in Dutch, PeTA's response was something like "Yeah, but it still doesn't sound nice, so change it anyway!"
: PeTa are a Pita.
: Anyway, let me just *wince* here. I knew it was a potentially embarrasing thread but sheesh... Lewis - I just don't know what to say.
Considering my first name is one of those double-barrel jobbies that happens to start with 'Peta', I'm embarrassed at the chronic stupidity of those people wanting to change the name of that town.
We have similar issues here for different, but equally stupid reasons. Frankly, even if a name does mean something that might now be unpalatable or politically incorrect, it probably didn't when it was originally named. Surely we can leave history alone and accept it's historical significance and context???
Anyway, on the whole 'kill' subject, is Catskills so-named for a similar reason? ie. Dutch heritage, and does the 'kill' bit mean the same thing? And if so, why is there an 's' on the end? BTW - I had the best steak in Catskills - went to a diner and asked for a steak sandwich with tomato, onion & beetroot and they had no idea what I was talking about. So I explained. They couldn't deliver the beetroot, but substituted cheese - which I accepted as long as the cheese wasn't that hideous orange colour that you Yanks seem to love. Result - magnificent steak sandwich!!! Completely pointless trivia, but a fond memory.
- This 'Peta' thinks they're wankers & what about Catskills Brian from Shawnee 15/June/04
- Fresh Kills Bruce Kahl 16/June/04
- Fresh Kills Lotg 16/June/04
- Fresh Kills Smokey Stover 17/June/04
- Sleepy Hollow, as distinguished from plain old Tarrytown. Ward 17/June/04
- Sleepy Hollow, as distinguished from plain old Tarrytown. Lotg 18/June/04
- Sleepy Hollow, as distinguished from plain old Tarrytown. Ward 17/June/04
- Fresh Kills Smokey Stover 17/June/04
- Fresh Kills Lotg 16/June/04
- Fresh Kills Bruce Kahl 16/June/04