Remember MASH? Swimming with Bowlegged Women?

Posted by Ole Tex on March 12, 2004

In Reply to: Remember MASH? Swimming with Bowlegged Women? posted by SR on March 04, 2004

: : : What would that frase actualy mean,
: : : swimming with Bowlegged Women? I'm lost.

: : It's advice from an old man to a young man. Never go swimmin' with bowlegged women. But I don't know what it means.

: The phrase is much older than MASH or even Captain Quint's toast in "Jaws." I remember singing it as a boy growing up in Ireland.

: : I'm Popeye the sailor man,
: I live in a garbage can.
: I likes to go swimmin'
: With bowlegged women,
: I'm Popeye the sailor man.

: I can remember that from the early '30s.
Well I'll be hornswoggled! I can remember singing that exact little ditty as a kid growing up in Texas in the 30's, except that "bowlegged" is a euphemism for the real "buck nekkid".