"quoted as saying"
Posted by Bob on February 01, 2004
In Reply to: "Quoted as saying" posted by sphinx on February 01, 2004
: Hi,
: Could you please explain the part-sentence in the last paragraph:
: "the spokeswoman was quoted as saying by Roy Wadia"
: I am confuesd by this! What does it mean?
I was confused, too. It's a badly-written sentence. "But she said she is not sure whether the virus found in samples is the same as the one now affecting Asia, the spokeswoman was quoted as saying by Roy Wadia, an official at the WHO office in China." this could be more clearly stated "Whether the virus in the sample is the same as the one affecting Asia is uncertain, according to a spokeswoman, as reported by Roy Wadia, an official at the WHO office in China."