Good thought

Posted by Lotg on December 11, 2003

In Reply to: Help posted by Harold on December 11, 2003

: : : how to pronoun ANNETTE

: : Not sure where you're from, but if you leave off the last 'e', that's exactly how you pronounce it - ie. "Annett". It's a french thing - do you agree MichaelFR?

: : I'd also venture to add that the question you should have asked was 'how do you "pronounce" Annette'. You omitted the 'ce' on the end of 'pronounce'. But that also could have been a typo? Where do you come from, what is your native language?

: If we accept that the intended word was 'ANNETTE' and that the question was "what is the impersonal pronoun?" - as in snow and snowing - then I have to say I don't know of one. It would be bizarre to ask how to pronounce Annette but I'll try; 'a - net' There, that's my best shot.

Good thought Harold. Didn't consider the pronoun angle. OK, well now I'm confused. Deepi, what exactly are you asking here?

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