Are there any more states?
Posted by ESC on November 01, 2003
In Reply to: Are there any more states? posted by shobana on November 01, 2003
: Are there any more states in the US than
: 1.Alaska 13.Illinois 25.Missouri 37.Oregon
: 2.Alabama 14.Indiana 26.Montana 38.Pennsylvania
: 3.Arizona 15.Iowa 27.Nebraska 39.Rhode Island
: 4.Arkansas 16.Kansas 28.Nevada 40.South Carolina
: 5.California 17.Kentucky 29.New Hampshire 41.S.Dakota
: 6.Colarado 18.Louisiana 30.New Jersey 42.Tennessee
: 7.connecticut 19.Maine 31.New Mexico 43.Texas
: 8.Delaware 20.Maryland 32.New York 44.Utah
: 9.Floridd 21.Massachusetts 33.NorthCarolina 45.vermont
: 10.georgia 22.Michigan 34.North Dakota 46.Virginia
: 11.Hawaii 23.Minnesota 35.Ohio 47.Washington
: 12.Idaho 24.Mississippi36.Oklahoma48.West Virginia
: 49.Wisconsin
: 50.Wyoming
There are 50 states and the District of Columbia. So I reckon you have them all.