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Cat's Ass

Posted by Bob on August 20, 2003

In Reply to: Cat's Ass posted by J. Brant Arseneau on August 19, 2003

: I have currently heard the use of "The Cat's Ass" on American television. I was very surprised since I thought I originated the phrase. I was doing my Ph.D. research in Scotland (late 1980's) when I was introduced to the phrase "the dog's bullocks". I though it was somewhat amusing to reinvent the phrase in an attempt to make a boring Canadian seem more exotic. I came out with the phrase "The Cat's Ass". I have done some research on Network theory and Small world theory and know it would be very quick to propagate a new phrase throughout social circles.Any thoughts.

Hard to say. Since it isn't immediately what they, or you, mean by the term, provenance is shaky. In any case the reward for such creativity is meager at best. Yesterday I invented a word (and checked Google to verify its nonexistence): teletagging. It's a more-economical way to express "playing telephone tag." You and I can exchange hearty handshakes by email, and that will be the sum of our reward.

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