Marx's preliminary insights
Posted by Lewis on June 16, 2003
In Reply to: Marx's preliminary insights posted by ESC on June 14, 2003
: : Hi,
: : Could anyone help me with the bracketed sentences:
: : Marx's personal knowledge of journalism was shaped by the ten years he spent, while living in London, as a European correspondent for the New York Tribune. An impassioned advocate of a free press, who regarded it as a means to counter forces of oppression for the greater welfare of society, he nevertheless did not write at length about the news media. (For political economists engaged with these issues today, then, Marx's preliminary insights need to be recast in relation to journalistic institutions the likes of which he could not have even anticipated in teh nineteenth century. )
: : Thanks a lot.
: Karl Marx, 1818-1883, didn't have knowledge of, for example, television journalism or the Internet.
I think it refers to "institutions" and so I would guess he did not envisage the BBC, the Press Complaints Authority, The National Union of Journalists and lobby groups. TV, radio and the internet are new 'media' that Marx would not have foreseen, not 'institutions'.