J. Allen Hynek

Posted by Miri Barak on June 13, 2003

In Reply to: J. Allen Hynek posted by R. Berg on June 13, 2003

: : : "... Steven Spielber's close Encounters of the Third Kind, which also drew heavily on the services of a *renowned extra-cinematic "expert" - professional urologist J. Allen Hynek * - and hose release in 1978 was greeted with scarcely less awe than one would expect should a real UFO land next to the United Nations headquarters and begin dictating revelations to the General Assembly."

: : : I know Allen Hynek was a kind of advisor in the UFO subject, but I don't understand this urologist thing about him. Is it a kind of a joke? as far as I know He studied Astronomy.

: : : by Extra-cinematic, does he mean outside the world of cinema?

: : : most grateful as always
: : : Miri

: : He is a ufologist--one who studies UFOs.
: : Main Entry: ufol·o·gy
: : Pronunciation: yü-'fä-l&-jE
: : Function: noun
: : Usage: often capitalized UFO
: : Etymology: UFO + -logy
: : Date: 1959
: : : the study of unidentified flying objects
: : - ufo·log·i·cal /"yü-f&-'lä-ji-k&l/ adjective, often capitalized UFO
: : - ufol·o·gist /yü-'fä-l&-jist/ noun, often capitalized UFO

: And, yes, "extracinematic" means outside cinema.

You are really great! Always are!
And indeed someone took the piss and I think this time it's our teacher, because she said that she planted mistakes in the English original text.
I have a feeling you have found it!
Unless the writer is really sick!
Thanks again

  • Plumbing TheFallen 06/13/03
    • Plumbing Miri Barak 06/13/03