Posted by ESC on February 10, 2003
I thought this was an interesting word.
"(Kentucky Governor Patton) said the state was flat broke. But then he promptly put Democratic Party apparatchiks in high-paying state posts." From "Paul Patton is no Colin Powell," Lexington Herald-leader guest column by John David Dyche, February 10, 2003.
Merriam-Webster online
Entry: ap·pa·rat·chik
Pronunciation: "ä-p&-'rä(t)-chik
Function: noun
Form(s): plural -chiks also ap·pa·rat·chi·ki /-chi-kE/
Etymology: Russian,
from apparat
Date: 1941
1 : a member of a Communist apparat (from the organization
of a political party or an underground movement)
2 : an official blindly devoted to superiors or to the organization
- Apparatchiks S. Ryan 02/12/03