Latin translation for 'safe haven'...

Posted by Bruce Kahl on March 27, 2002

In Reply to: Latin translation for 'safe haven'... posted by Freek van Schoten on March 27, 2002

: Hello. This is an easy one. I'm looking for the correct Latin expression for a safe haven.
: Can anybody help me? Please mail. It's for a girl I care about a lot and who's going through a hard time at the moment. I want to tell her I will always be her safe haven...
: Thanks!
: Freek

Words in Latin are spelled differently depending on how they are used:
I found a safe haven.
If I were to find a safe haven, then......
Caesar, having established a safe haven near Vercingetorix, built his defenses.

All the sentences above use "safe haven" and in each sentence "safe haven" would be spelled very differently from each other.

But for you I am using the nominative singular: Locus tutis

  • Picky non-classical linguist TheFallen 03/28/02
    • Picky non-classical linguist Bruce Kahl 03/28/02