Goat rope
Posted by Matthew on April 17, 2002
I recently heard several times the phrase "this is a goat rope" - The context of the phrase meant a big screw-up or huge mistake. Nobody seemed to know where this phrase came from etc. It was used in a military field setting int eh same sentence as FUBAR etc., but I'm not sure if it is military in origin - Anyone know?
- Goat rope DGW 04/17/02
- Goat rope masakim 04/17/02
- Goat roping
R. Berg 04/17/02
- Goat Roper Word Camel 04/17/02
- Goat Roper Marian 04/20/02
- Goat Roper
masakim 04/17/02
- Goat Roper; goat ESC 04/18/02
- Goat Roper Word Camel 04/17/02