"lay it on the line"
Posted by Masakim on January 06, 2002
In Reply to: "Lay it on the line" posted by R. Berg on January 06, 2002
: : : : Hello,
: : : : I was wondering if anyone knows the roots of the phrase, lay it on the line, I was told by an academic proffesor of gender studies that it refered to the measurement of penis size in taverns during medevil times in europe, can anyone verify this? Please help?
: : : Just my opinion.
: : : I always
thought your phrase derived from some type of sporting event---either the starting
line of a foot race or the center line of tennis.
: : Another thought - 'My job is on the line' is perhaps related to the above although the expression has an implication of job insecurity. As a result the line may be the dole queue and this fits in with the mainly American use of the phrase since "queue" is seldom used in American English. An alternative origin may be the Assembly Line. This type of automation deprived factory workers of any sort of control over their speed of work - they had to keep up with the line. By extension, if someone felt that they had lost control of their own destiny or job security, then a comparison with the Assembly Line is understandable.
: I suspect an origin in gambling. To put something of one's own on the line is to put it at stake. The American Heritage Dict. has, as one definition of "on the line," "In jeopardy; so as to be risked: 'put his reputation on the line.'" But the question was about "lay it on the line," not "put it on the line." The AHD's other definition of "on the line" is "Ready or available for immediate payment." So, in the sense of speaking forthrightly, "on the line" may come from commerce.
lay it on the line, to phr.
[1940s] (US) to have sexual intercourse. [ext. of LAY v. ]
lay/put it on
the line, to phr. [1940s] to be absolutely honest, to declare one's feelings,
one's attitude.
From Cassell's Dictionary of Slang by Jonathon Green
lay A sexual partner, or an act of sex. Accepted young usage from the sixties
onwards and very widespread in both the US and the UK. Thus someone can be 'one's
lay', or somebody can 'lay' somebody else. Interesting because one of the few
words used by both sexes - a woman can talk about laying a man, and vice versa.
Other variations include 'lay it out' and 'lay it on the line', meaning to
be sexually provocative - also used equally by both sexes, straight and gay.
The Slanguage of Sex by Brigid McConville & John Shearlaw