Posted by Masakim on November 12, 2001
In Reply to: Honey posted by ESC on November 12, 2001
: : : can any1 tell me the meaning and/or origin of the phrase honey trap
: : I haven't found anything on "honey trap."
: : "Honey bucket," "honey hole," "honey pit" and "honey wagon" all have to do with the disposal of human waste. Since we're on the subject of honey.
: Honey pot - the external female sexual organs. From "Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang" by John Ayto and John Simpson (Oxford University Press, Oxford & New York, 1996).
: So, the way I see it, we have three ways we can go on "honey trap." Excrement, sex or an actual device to get honey from the bees. What is the context of the phrase "honey trap"? How have you heard it used?
Sexual entrapment for intelligence purpose, usually to put a target
into a compromising situation so that he or she can be blackmailed.
According to the British intelligence expert Robert Moss, the Cuban
DGI once gave press credentials to classy Havana hookers and set
up a call-girl operation targeted at UN officials. But the operation
had to be aborted hastily when the Cubans realized the w h o r es' principal
clients were Soviets.
From _The Dictionary of Espionage: Spookspeak into English_ (Dell
Publishing Co., Inc.; 1986) by Henry S.A. Becket