Latin to English

Posted by Bruce Kahl on August 24, 2001

In Reply to: Latin to English posted by David Harvey on August 24, 2001

: Hi, Can anyone translate SUBEO into English please? Thank you.

"Subeo" is a verb which translated literally means "I go or pass under."

The latin word "eo" means "I go" and "sub", which means "under", acts like an adverb to modify the verb.

The English word "exit" is also from "eo". "Eo" is first person singular, as in "I go", while "it" is the third person singular meaning "he or she goes". "Ex" means "out of". So the word "exit" is actually a sentence meaning "He leaves."

I have a meeting that needs attending and attention so I am gonna stop now as I could go on and on. But then I could always tell my boss:
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?
I was kidnapped by aliens. What year is it?

Happy Friday!