Al fresco

Posted by Bluebaron on December 10, 1999

In Reply to: Al fresco posted by pippo on December 10, 1999

: Italian "AL FRESCO" does not mean "in the open air",
: but just the opposit : "IN JAIL !" literally.
: Regards
Pippo: "Teach" and "Kahl" are fresco "al": in the "fresco": cool. In colloquial Italian: outdoors. It's even in decent English dictionaries. Oh, and YES I did study Italian, and YES, I've been to Italy, and YES any one who has every dined in a sidewalk cafe or courtyard knows what "al fresco" means. Find your local library, quickly, before you get to "al dente"...

  • Al fresco Ines 12/10/99
  • Al fresco HJR 12/10/99