Posted by Jayne Grant on November 21, 1999

In Reply to: ORIGIN OF THE SAYING "BEWARE THE AGAPANTHUS" posted by PHIL MACHIN on November 21, 1999

: I am trying to find the origin of the saying "Beware the agapanthus". I know that the agapanthus is a flower (the African Lily) and that the name comes from the Greek for love (agape) and flower (anthos). But why should anyone beware this flower? Any answers would be gratefully received.

: Phil Machin

Well Phil, I, like you, can't think why anyone would need to beware such a beautiful flower. I came across it on Table mountain in South Africa a few years ago.

The only thought that occurs is that the ones I came across were growing near and amongst some rather fierce thorn bushes on the slopes of the mountain. I doubt that this would have given rise to the saying which I've never heard off by the way.

  • Reply to: ORIGIN OF THE SAYING "BEWARE THE AGAPANTHUS" bluebaron 12/15/99