...like a red-headed step child

Posted by Steve McHugh on March 17, 2000

In Reply to: posted by ESC on March 17, 2000

: : :
: : : : Any one know where this phrase comes from? Used mostly as "I will beat you like a redheaded step child".

: : : heh heh, "I'm gonna slap you around like a redheaded step child." I guess it just come from the prejeduce of Scottish people, they're really the only race with red hair...

: : Never been to Ireland then - lots and lots of read hair. Also what about the south sea island races with red hair. In any case the Scots are a lovely people who may eat too many chips and deep fried Mars Bars but they've got courage, style and a healthy disregard for authority.

: "...may eat too many chips and deep fried Mars Bars but they've got courage, style and a healthy disregard for authority." Now I know who to credit/blame for my personality traits. My ancestors from Scotland.

Yeah, but the Scots are the drunkest violentist people out there. I'm sick of this damn politic correctness, I'm going to say it because it's true more often than for other races.

  • ESC 03/18/00
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