Tie one on

Posted by ESC on May 10, 2000

In Reply to: Tie one on posted by shannon dealing on May 10, 2000

: what does the phrase "tie one on" really mean, and where does it come from??

: many thanks,
: shannon dealing

From "The Wordsworth Book of Euphemism" by Judith S. Neaman and Carole G. Silver (Wordsworth Reference, New York, 1983, 1990) -- "Tie one on, to - To get drunk. (Eric) Partridge suggests that this expression is derived from 'hang one on' (ca. 1935), which originated in the United States and was later adopted in Canada. It is clear that a 'hangover' -- more politely, 'the morning after' -- is the miserable memento of having 'hung' or 'tied one on.' We are uncertain as to why drinking is described as tieing, hanging or belting..."

  • Tie one on Bruce Kahl 05/10/00