Still acting up
Posted by Henry on December 08, 2004
In Reply to: Old men behaving badly posted by Lotg on December 07, 2004
: : : : : : In an earlier thread, the 'British Empire' thread, Lewis used the term 'right made up', which I queried.
: : : : : : TF answered with the following: : "Right made up" means very happy (at something having happened). I know it as Manc slang (emanating from Manchester in the North West of England), but it's more than possible that it's also an Irish expression. The London equivalent would be something like "dead chuffed".
: : : : : : Which explains the meaning, which was what I was asking. But I'd also like to know, how 'made up' means happy? Does anyone know how this came about? ---GODDESS
: : : : : In civilised society, the mention of Manchester is forbidden - and if forced to be acknowledged, should only be spoken of with derision. it is a wet, scruffy and tacky place with pretensions of grandeur - about as convincing as Brighton. Please say 'Lancashire' or 'Cheshire' when referring to places in that area.
: : : : : I only know of two expressions used in the Trafford/Salford area and they are 'penalty, ref' [at which officials of poor character and judgment duly oblige by awarding a penalty kick at goal to the team in red] and "fookin sarted!" - meaning 'moderately satisfied' that such a decision has been made.
: : : : : 'made up for' somebody is an expression used in that area (Stoke etc) to be pleased for somebody. I think it comes from putting on a glad face, as if using make-up.
: : : : : please refrain from mentioning Mancs again.
: : : : : L
: : : : Haha, sorry Lewis. Didn't mean to offend your delicate senses. I was unaware that the M word was a problem, but feel completely enlightened now (chuckle).
: : : I don't think that most men associate the phrase 'made up' with cosmetics, although that could still be the origin of the phrase. When people are promoted, they are also said to be made up. This is ususlly a source of satisfaction and might well be a possible source for the phrase.
: : : When people are in acting in a senior role on a temporary basis, they are said to be acting up, but not in the sense of being difficult.
: :
: : Where is this usage of "acting up" found? I don't think I've ever heard it used that way. In circles where I come from, such a person is just said to be "acting" - the superior position is assumed. If we said that the "acting" is "acting up" we might risk our jobs, since in usage I know, it would mean they are behaving badly.
: I agree, 'acting up' to me means, playing up, misbehaving. --GODDESS
I think that acting up may be more common where it is necessary to establish levels of responsibility clearly, nursing or the fire service for example. I don't know about the military. Lots of examples on the internet;
In exceptional circumstances acting-up may arise where there is no vacant post and a manager can only add to the duties of an existing post.
3. Where APT&C Terms for Acting Up do apply. Pay Salary as if promoted to that post.
- Still acting up Smokey Stover 09/December/04