Flat fare

Posted by Henry on August 06, 2003

In Reply to: Here's another posted by Word Camel on August 06, 2003

: : : : 1. To pay a flat fee is to pay one price for a number of things that can be purchased separately. So someone might pay a flat fee of $1000 for a vacation including rooms, meals and transportation.

: : : Could you think of another example of the use of "flat" with the same meaning?

: : I have heard the term "flat rate" used for electricity charges. When the rate per unit is fixed irrespective of the number of units consumed they call it a "flat rate", as against the one when rate per unit consumed varies (usually increasing after every 100 or so units).

: "He pays a flat rate every month his Internet conection." It means he pays the same regardless of how much or how often he uses his Internet service.

A flat fare on a bus will take you as far as you wish to go.

  • Flat fare sphinx 07/August/03