Bad hair day--memo to Gary
Posted by GPP on July 30, 2003
In Reply to: Bad hair day--memo to Gary posted by GPP on July 30, 2003
: : : Completely disagree from where that phrase comes from, may have been the first time you heard it but I can tell you that I have been hearing it over hear in Oz for the last 20 years at least, probably longer
: : That's as may be, but note the earliest reference given in the discussion below dates from November 23, 1962--over 40 years ago. See 7/10/03 entry posted by ESC. That's not to say that Schultz actually originated it.
: Gary, help--I now see Mark's complaint referred to your official origins page, not to this discussion area. Same problem as "movable feast", where casual visitors depend on 'Meanings/Origins', and never come here except to bitch, withing thinking to search.
: Sorry--typo--"without" thinking...
And I must say I agree that 'fell' ought to be removed from the meaning of 'swoop'.
- Bad hair day--memo to Gary Gary 07/30/03
- Suggestions GPP 07/30/03
- Suggestions Gary 07/31/03
- Suggestions GPP 07/31/03
- Suggestions GPP 07/31/03
- Suggestions Gary 07/31/03
- Suggestions GPP 07/31/03
- Suggestions GPP 07/31/03
- Suggestions R. Berg 07/30/03
- Suggestions ESC 07/30/03
- Suggestions janes_kid 07/30/03
- Suggestions Gary 07/31/03
- Legibility, suggestions R. Berg 07/30/03
- Suggestions janes_kid 07/30/03
- Suggestions ESC 07/30/03
- Suggestions Gary 07/31/03
- Suggestions GPP 07/30/03