A Belzibub of Champagne?
Posted by Word Camel on March 04, 2002
In Reply to: Magnum Magnitude posted by TheFallen on March 04, 2002
: : : : Anybody can tell me what is the quantitative measure of an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE? Or is there one?
: : : : Thanx in advance.
: : : I am under the probably mistaken impression that this term comes to us from astrophysics. Stars are classified by magnitude, I believe. Then again, I am attracting a growing reputation for defiantly choosing to labour under my false apprehensions, even once it's been conclusively proven to me that I am wrong.
: : Dear Fallen one,
: : Surely it's the measure of champagne? As for your misapprehentions, they are only "missed" when you don't share them.
: : Regards,
: : PSC
: : (Particularly Silly Camel)
: I forget my champagne bottle sizes, and only remember that after the eminently sensibly named "magnum", they hurtle bizarrely off into the biblical with such things as jeroboams and nebuchadnezzars - I'd bet there's a methuselah in there somewhere too.
Sorry, the devil made me do it.