Smart a** answer
Posted by DRC on February 05, 2005
In Reply to: Words in common posted by Fred on February 01, 2005
: : : : : : : : Besides all ending in the letter "y" what do the words decay, enemy, essay, excellency, expediency and ivy have in common?
: : : : : : : : Math class trivia
: : : : : : : : my thoughts - all are nouns or can all the words also be used before or after the word "common"?
: : : : : : : : Such as common enemy, common ivy
: : : : : : In each word one vowel is followed by two consecutive consonants.
: : : : : : : "Common" can't be the answer; it doesn't go with all of them.
: : : : : That is, in each word at least one vowel is followed by exactly two consecutive consonants. So 'ace' doesn't belong to the group but 'all' does.
: : : : DK, NME, SA, XLNC, XPDNC, IV. That was EZ!
: : : Very clear once one knows the answer! Amazing!
: : "That is, in each word at least one vowel is followed by exactly two consecutive consonants." Not true of "decay," "enemy," or "ivy." I'll vote for the DK, NME, . . . , IV answer.
: Whoops! 'Decay' upsets my claim.
they are all in the problem question