Words in common

Posted by Steve Eichner on February 01, 2005

In Reply to: Words in common posted by Fred on February 01, 2005

: : : : Besides all ending in the letter "y" what do the words decay, enemy, essay, excellency, expediency and ivy have in common?

: : : : Math class trivia

: : : : my thoughts - all are nouns or can all the words also be used before or after the word "common"?
: : : : Such as common enemy, common ivy

: : In each word one vowel is followed by two consecutive consonants.

: : : "Common" can't be the answer; it doesn't go with all of them.

: That is, in each word at least one vowel is followed by exactly two consecutive consonants. So 'ace' doesn't belong to the group but 'all' does.

The reference to "Math Class Trivia" leads me to suspect that it has to do with a numbering or sequencing theory or something like that. Can't be Fibonacci--does not work.