Torpedo juice
Posted by Masakim on March 30, 2002
In Reply to: Torpedo juice posted by Jay on March 30, 2002
: Can't find anything on the origin of the word torpedo juice
in reference to alcohol beverage. Anybody know?
: I was under the impression it was referring to the propellent
used in torpedos was at some time ethanol.
torpedo juice Any raw, inferior home-made alcoholic beverage, esp.
as made under adverse conditions and from whatever ingredients one
can find.
During W.W.II Armed Forces personnel would occasionally find themselves
in a position or locale which gave no access to whisky or other
alcoholic beverages. Those who felt a desire for some often usesd
much ingenuity to concoct an alcoholic beverage from the ingredients
at hand. The orig[in] of this term is from a typical recipe, based
on pure grain alcohol as drained from a Navy torpedo. Other ingenious
recipes include modifying and using the alcohol from engine oil,
hair tonics, or medicines, usu[ally] mixing them with fruit juice.
Chronic alcoholics also turn to such alcoholic beverage when no
others are available, "canned heat" being a favorite form of torpedo
juice with them.
From _Dictionary of American Slang_ by H. Wentworth & S.B. Flexner