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Access of strength

Posted by ESC on March 18, 2003

In Reply to: Excess of emotion posted by kitty on March 18, 2003

: Hi,

: I am looking for the correct form of the phrase "excess/access of ****". I have seen this in both forms, as in "she found a new excess of strength" or "she found a new access of strength" or something along those lines.

: I must say that the "access" form annoys me A LOT, but I have seen it so often that I am doubting which form is correct.

: Thanks,
: Kitty

Someone with an "excess of strength" would have more strength than needed, I guess. I had never heard of "access of strength" and thought it was wrong. But from No. 3 under "access," it looks like a legitmate phrase:

From Merriam-Webster Online

Main Entry: 1ac·cess
Pronunciation: 'ak-"ses also ik-'ses
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French acces arrival, from Latin accessus approach, from accedere to approach -- more at ACCEDE
Date: 14th century
1 a : ONSET 2 b : a fit of intense feeling : OUTBURST
2 a : permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from b : freedom or ability to obtain or make use of c : a way or means of access d : the act or an instance of accessing
3 : an increase by addition

Main Entry: 1ex·cess
Pronunciation: ik-'ses, 'ek-"
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French exces, from Late Latin excessus, from Latin, departure, projection, from excedere to exceed
Date: 14th century
1 a : the state or an instance of surpassing usual, proper, or specified limits : SUPERFLUITY b : the amount or degree by which one thing or quantity exceeds another
2 : undue or immoderate indulgence : INTEMPERANCE; also : an act or instance of intemperance
- in excess of : to an amount or degree beyond : OVER

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