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Access of strength

Posted by TheFallen on March 18, 2003

In Reply to: Access of strength posted by ESC on March 18, 2003

: : : Hi,

: : : I am looking for the correct form of the phrase "excess/access of ****". I have seen this in both forms, as in "she found a new excess of strength" or "she found a new access of strength" or something along those lines.

: : : I must say that the "access" form annoys me A LOT, but I have seen it so often that I am doubting which form is correct.

: : : Thanks,
: : : Kitty

: : Someone with an "excess of strength" would have more strength than needed, I guess. I had never heard of "access of strength" and thought it was wrong. But from No. 3 under "access," it looks like a legitimate phrase:

: : From Merriam-Webster Online

: : Main Entry: 1ac·cess
: : Pronunciation: 'ak-"ses also ik-'ses
: : Function: noun
: : Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French acces arrival, from Latin accessus approach, from accedere to approach -- more at ACCEDE
: : Date: 14th century
: : 1 a : ONSET 2 b : a fit of intense feeling : OUTBURST
: : 2 a : permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from b : freedom or ability to obtain or make use of c : a way or means of access d : the act or an instance of accessing
: : 3 : an increase by addition

: :
: : Main Entry: 1ex·cess
: : Pronunciation: ik-'ses, 'ek-"
: : Function: noun
: : Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French exces, from Late Latin excessus, from Latin, departure, projection, from excedere to exceed
: : Date: 14th century
: : 1 a : the state or an instance of surpassing usual, proper, or specified limits : SUPERFLUITY b : the amount or degree by which one thing or quantity exceeds another
: : 2 : undue or immoderate indulgence : INTEMPERANCE; also : an act or instance of intemperance
: : - in excess of : to an amount or degree beyond : OVER

I've never heard of an access of strength, but the expression "an access of rage" is occasionally used. I'm not sure you could "find an access" of something, because the implication is that in this sense, an access is sudden, unexpected and almost involuntary. However one might feel a sudden access of strength, I suppose.

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