Church Key
Posted by R. Berg on September 04, 2004
In Reply to: Church Key posted by ESC on September 03, 2004
: : In Medieval Europe, Monks and Nobility were the only brewers. Lagering Cellars in the Monasteries were locked, as the Monks guarded the secrets to their craft. The monks carried keys to these lagering cellars on their cinch - or belts. It was this key from which the "Church Key" opener gets its name.
: : Source: Anheuser-Busch Knowledge Base; Internal Dbase
: I was just explaining to my kids what a "church key" was. In the time before pull-tabs and twist-off caps, a devoted beer-drinker would wear a beer opener on a string/chain around his neck.
I wonder how knowledgeable the Anheuser-Busch Knowledge Base really is.