Some obscure abbreviations

Posted by Shae on January 12, 2004

In Reply to: Some obscure abbreviations posted by Miri Barak on January 12, 2004

: I have some abbreviations. The context is either grammer or Biblical only. I tried to look for clues or solutions but to no avail.
: I will be very grateful to any answer.

: ptc.
: Vrss. rd.
: inf. cstr. vb. I guess inf - is infinitive and vb. is verb. what is cstr.?

: Thank you very much

Yes, they do seem to be very obscure. I've checked several dictionaries and only 'inf = informal' matches any of your examples. 'Verb' is usually denoted as 'v,' so I don't think 'vb' = 'verb.' Could you provide some examples of the abbreviations in context?

  • Some obscure abbreviations ESC 13/January/04
    • Some obscure abbreviations Smokey Stoaver 13/January/04
      • Thanks and context: (please ignore my new message) Miri Barak 13/January/04