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One more team name

Posted by Bob on September 08, 2001

In Reply to: One more team name posted by A fan on September 07, 2001

: : : : I hesitate to post this because rising health insurance prices (in the U.S.) have made most people a little touchy on the subject. But I need help. We are using a basketball theme regarding our charity drive this year. I work at a government agency that regulates the insurance industry and my team is the central office management staff. My only thought was "The Bucks," as in the "buck stops here." But "bucks" has a racial connotation. You can see why I need help with this. I'm not very creative.

: : : One study of creativity found that the only difference between people who were creative and those who weren't was that the creative people thought they were creative and the uncreative people thought they weren't creative.

: : : Buckstoppers--not flagrantly racial, I think
: : : Bureau Cats
: : : Irregulators
: : : Rulers
: : : (if a federal agency) Bush Leaguers

: : Triplicates

: Thanks!

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