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Posted by Cornelius Brown on April 01, 2001

In Reply to: ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM posted by Bruce Kahl on February 16, 2000

A disestablishmentarian is someone who opposes an established order. So, I think disestablishmentarianism would be the general opposition to established order. I believe anarchists are disestablishmentarians, while the entire concept is preposterous as the need establishment of governent is part of human nature. I believe "antidisestablishmentarianism" is actually THE longest word.

: : Does anyone know exactly what "Disestablishmentarainism" means? Is it the longest english word?

: ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM (28 letters) may be the best-known long word. The word means "the belief which opposes removing the tie between church and state."

: PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (45 letters; a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles) is the longest word in any English-language dictionary. (It is also spelled -koniosis.)

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