Origin of the phrase "SandBag"

Posted by Bruce Kahl on September 28, 2000

In Reply to: Origin of the phrase "SandBag" posted by Chris on September 28, 2000

: I am trying to determine the origin of the phrase sandbag. As in a person who conceals abilities or assets at first in order to gain a tactical advantage later.

Sandbag=to conceal or misrepresent one's true position, potential, or intent especially in order to take advantage.

Fill a sock or bag with sand and you have a very handy, powerful weapon.
Your phrase, according to Mr. Morris of the Word Detective, originated from the game of poker whereby a player would hold off raising the stakes in order to lull the other players into a false sense of security. The poker sandbagger would pounce late in the game, clobbering the other players with his "sandbag" or good hand.