A teen-ager's view

Posted by Frankie on July 05, 2000

In Reply to: A teen-ager's view posted by ESC on July 02, 2000

: : : This started out as defining the difference between "dating", "seeing someone" and "co-habitating" (living together).

: : : Any answers/ideas are extremely welcome!

: : : Thanks in advance!

: : My dating days are way in the past. So the youngsters are going to have to answer this one.

: : It used to be the degrees of involvement were dating or playing the field, going steady, getting serious(maybe a pre-engagement or getting pinned phase, meaning wearing his college fraternity pin), getting engaged, and marrying.

: : I don't know what the degrees are now. I have a vague notion that "seeing someone" implies that the couple has an exclusive relationship. More serious than just "dating."

: I've consulted a teen-ager. He said "seeing someone" does imply going steady, dating someone exclusively.

There will always be regional and local slang that need defining by the local residents.
But, according to my 16yr. old niece in NY, -- the main difference when dating someone is that both parties can date others. Seeing someone is an exclusive arrangement (going steady to you guys from the 1950's). Another NY saying to "seeing someone" is "going out together" or simply "their going out".
If co-habitating, the current buzz word is still just "living together" or "Those two are splitting rent".---unless you ask my mother. She'd say "living in sin" or "getting the milk for free".
P.S. What's wrong with free stuff anyway?