Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree

Posted by Frankie on June 28, 2000

In Reply to: Myth: George Washington and the Cherry Tree posted by Frankie on June 28, 2000

: : : Would like history on the myth of George Washington and his cutting down the cherry tree.
: : : Thank you.

: : Twas a story, coined by an 18th century spin doctor to enhance the reputation of the father of the nation. Would that we could create such beautifully crafted tales to prop up the reputation of our own dear President who stands naked before the nation with not a single substantive myth to cover his confusion.

: In other words....a publicity stunt. Like Britany Spears breasts.

Actaully, I may stand corrected....because I think she REALLY did get implants. But, I don't beleive she's a teenager like they're leading us to beleive.