
Posted by Bob on August 26, 2000

In Reply to: Committees posted by Bill Rodgers on August 25, 2000

: : : : : From This Dog'll Really Hunt: An Entertaining Texas Dictionary by Wallace O. Chariton (Wordware Publishing, Piano, Texas, 1989, 1990):
: : : : ESC... some good stuff. The ones about "slow" are closer to what I was looking for. Not so much "lazy". I'm thinking about situations (projects, for instance) that are stuck. Think about undertakings dependent on committees, rather than on individuals. Ya know? SLUGGISH!

: : : : Keep 'em coming, people. These are great, so far.

: : : : Patty

: : : : : SLOW As sucking buttermilk through a straw. Slow as smoke off a fresh cow patty in January. (Actually, I've heard this more directly: Slow as smoke off s*#t.) Slow as wet gunpowder. Slow as a hound dog in August.

: : : : : And then there's LAZY. He'll starve to death because he won't work and he's too lazy to steal. He has to prop himself up to spit.

: : : Like watching paint dry?

: : From "Webster's Dictionary of Quotations":

: : A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled. (Barnett Cocks, attributed)

: : A committee is an animal with four back legs. (John Le Carre, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy")

: A committee has the instincts of a sloth, the cunning of a fox and the brain of a bee. - (James Rae (1907 - 1984), attributed)

George Will claimed American football was the perfect reflection of American culture: "brief periods of violence followed by committee meetings."