The other F-word

Posted by Brian from Shawnee on May 02, 2006

In Reply to: The other F-word posted by Bob on May 02, 2006

: : Last night (April 31, 2006) I had CNN on as background noise. Imagine my surprise when I heard the commentator say that something would "go over" "like a f*rt in church." Since when did it become OK to use the other F-word on television?

: : I doubted my hearing. Maybe she said "art in church." But I googled and found several instances of the phrase being quoted on CNN -- "fart in church" cnn. I am appalled. Simply appalled.

: :

: Someone, somewhere, is keeping track of the moving boundary. It seems "son of a bitch" is now ok on American television, judging by the frequency it's heard on the few shows I watch. I am old enough to remember when "hell" was never said on the air. (I'm sure British tv has different boundaries.) My wife predicts that s*it will appear next year. We are, as a nation, quite squeamish about certain words, but the murders, rapes and torture are all over the tube. No problem there.

The NYPD Blue producers negotitiated with the network censors and got one "bulls**t" per episode in their last two years, but they pulled the bare buttock shots for the final season, in the wake of the Super Bowl problem.