Snips and snails

Posted by R. Berg on March 09, 2006

In Reply to: Snips and snails and puppy dogs tails posted by pamela on March 09, 2006

: : I am trying to find the origin of the expression "snips and snails and puppy dogs tails" as part of a research project on gender stereotyping, I am not able to access either of the entries that should be accessible from the home page.

: : I am also researching the origin of the nursery rhyme "What Are Little Girls./Boys Made Of?" for a school project on gender stereotyping. So if anyone can give me the name of a book or a website address, I will be grateful. Thanks, from the SW corner of British Columbia, Canada

: I always thought it was "Snakes and snails .." (what is a snip??) but I've found a reference to "frogs and snails" at: Lear/limerick/limerick.html which has a paper on the workds of Robert Southey with some references to books. Pamela

In Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, it's "snips." Try Googling "Mother Goose"; sites with information about the origin should come up.